Teachers and learners to enhance the quality of Science and Technology education in 16 schools. 113 Teachers attended workshops presented by the Enlighten facilitator.

Apart from attending the workshops, support to the teachers was given by means of school demonstration lessons as well as the provision of resources to many underprivileged schools upon their request. Teachers have become more confident to do the practical activities.
They were able to guide learners to do their formal practical tasks with confidence and produced work of a high quality. At the same time new teachers were assisted with core knowledge and skills.

Thousands of learners in the Overstrand have benefitted from this support during the past 13 years. Science and Technology, which are compulsory for all learners in the Intermediate Phase, build learners investigative, discovery and research skills, by using reference books and other media. At the same time, learners practice observing skills and critical thinking skills.