Current Projects

May 26, 2020

Early Childhood Development

a cornerstone project of the EET, it includes the formal training and upskilling of teachers, in-school quality control and mentoring (currently in partnership with Boland College and the DG Murray Trust;
May 26, 2020

Curriculum Interventions

As indicated, our main focus is in the area of teacher upskilling at Foundation Phase and Primary School level, although a certain amount of work is also done at Intermediate and Senior level.
May 26, 2020

Social and Remedial Projects

School Counselling: An educational psychologist assists individual children identified by teachers as having emotional or behavioural problems.
May 26, 2020

Computer Laboratory,

Language and Numeracy Computer Laboratory, plus Mobile Unit: This is another of Enlighten’s flagship programmes, which works with both teachers and individual learners in developing critical skills in the subjects listed below:
May 26, 2020

Alex Bury Children’s Library

Alex Bury Children’s Library and Mobile Unit – The promotion of Literacy: A wonderful resource for both teachers and learners in this region,comprising a comprehensive selection of children’s fiction and non-fiction books in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa, as well as reference works
May 26, 2020

Extra-mural Programmes

Alex Bury Children’s Library and Mobile Unit – The promotion of Literacy: A wonderful resource for both teachers and learners in this region,comprising a comprehensive selection of children’s fiction and non-fiction books in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa, as well as reference works